Hawaii School Librarians are Wallwishing Us Tips from the ISTE Conference

It's all about connections!

Hawaii school librarians now attending the ISTE Conference in Colorado are sending us quick tips via Wallwisher, a FREE Web 2.0 online bulletin board-like tool -- how cool is that?

Here's the link to the full-screen version of the HASL (Hawaii Association of School Librarians) wall shown above. http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/hasliste2010
MAHALO to librarian extraordinaire Patricia Louis for setting it up!

YOU can build your own wall too. It's the perfect way for many people to share quickly in a multitude of situations, e.g., brainstorming in a crowd, obtaining quick feedback from a large audience, gathering resources on a specific theme on the fly, _______________insert your idea here.

BTW I learned about this tool at the HASL Conference on O'ahu this past spring, courtesy of librarian goddess Joyce Valenza.
