"Yes, Virginia, Libraries DO Twitter ... "

Sarah Milstein

So many libraries and librarians are using Twitter!

Sarah Milstein's article in InfoToday paints a bright picture of how libraries are using technology to better serve their patrons.

Twitter for Libraries (and Librarians)

I especially like the sidebar describing Twittiquette for Institutions -- excellent advice!

Here's a list of Libraries using Twitter, compiled by Lindy Brown and updated recently (thanks, Lindy).

I received a reply from Sarah to my tweet regarding her article, and here's her reply:  

"SarahM @ Thanks! I wrote that story a while back, but most of the tips (maybe all) all still very relevant."

Yes, Sarah, I will be able to use those tips. Thanks!

So, Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus Libraries DO Twitter ...


P. S. You might want to ✓ out  The Twitter Book by Tim O'Reilly and Sarah Milstein