5 Graphing Calculator Tutorial Sites I'm Recommending to Our Students

Mr. Wilson, our Math department chair, asked about graphing calculator tutorials for his students.

Here are 5 graphing calculator tutorial websites I recommend:
Using the TI-83/84 Calculator, a tutorial designed 'with the student in mind,' from Prentice-Hall

Free Getting Started Movies and Practice Exercises for TI Graphing Calculators from Hotmath.com

TI-83 Plus Multimedia Tutorial from WatchMe Ware. You can download and install the free QuickStart version.

TI-84 Silver Edition Calculator Tutorial - short videos from Atomic Learning (no password needed on campus - see Tech Staff or your teacher for User ID and password for off-campus use)

tiSkills - a tutorial site maintained by a permanently certified New York mathematics teacher
Here's the permanent link to these recommendations, located on our library's website.

Other recommendations to add to this list are welcome!
