5 Must-Try Creativity Apps, courtesy of Nick Cusumano (edtech4theatre)

There's always something new to try!

Thanks, +Nick Cusumano (aka @edtech4theatrefor introducing me to these "Be Creative" gems:

1. Adobe Audition "Record, edit, and create audio content with Adobe Audition's comprehensive toolset, including waveform, spectral display, and multitrack. This powerful sound editing program is designed to accelerate audio and video production workflows and deliver the highest standards for audio quality." CC Tutorial

2. Google Open Gallery (how did I miss this one?) "Upload content and create exhibits, embed your content in websites, powerful zoom for your images."Powerful free tools for museums, galleries and archives. We've built the technology so you can focus on your content." [Open Gallery Help]

3. Psykopaint. A photo to painting online application. Download it free from the Apple Store or paint online. [YouTube tutorials]

4. Soundtrap "You make music
online. You can plug in your own instrument, use the software instruments available in Soundtrap or just record a song directly with your computer microphone." [Tutorials]

5. Wideo "Wideo is the perfect online video tool, that allows you to easily make animation videos for your product demo, presentations, teaching lessons, or just to have some fun." [Tutorial]

For more great creativity tools, check out Nick's slide presentation and the hangout below, starting at 42:16.

And be sure to explore ALL of the links Nick shared on our Google Rocks! Hawaii hangout. A plethora of goodies!

Mahalo, Nick, for coming on Google Rocks! Hawaii and for sharing so freely! When are you coming to Hawaii?


[Be Creative image: Pixabay]