FUN WITH WORDS! Wordle (+ Kinetic Typography)

"You have a way with words" takes on new meaning in this electronic age!

Learned about Wordle, a FREE online creative word-play program, at the AASL conference, but discovered on my return that our 6th grade English teacher already knew about it and had done a fun word-play project at the beginning of the year, in collaboration with our computer teacher. Above are two student samples. (And Ms. Davis just related that she uses Wordle often with her Upper School English students! Where have I been?)

Here's a Wordle BOOKTALK I put together in minutes (they're great for posters, too):

And for those who like to aim high, watch a Moving Word (aka Kinetic Typography) Booktalk created using Adobe Aftereffects, and shared with me by former Seabury teacher Dr. Sandy Buczynski. (Thanks, Sandy!)

Shiver BookTalk as Kinetic Typography on YouTube = less than 1 min and AMAZING.

You too can be a Wordler! Be sure to read the FAQ to find out about all the cool features of the program.

Here's a 7-minute tutorial that will tell you all you need to know to get started, from YouTube:How to Make and Save a Word Cloud
