I'm a Big Fan of Cool Cat Teacher Vicki Davis.
So when I saw mention of one of her most popular posts of 2011, 11 Lies Social Media Hides, I was intrigued to read it.
The article is a great reality check for anyone on Facebook and Twitter. I will use some of the information in my literacy classes.
So, being the eager sharer that I am, I decided to share it not only on Twitter as is my custom, but to pass it on to my friends on Facebook as well.
When I pasted the link onto my status, I was taken aback by the description of the article that appeared. Here's a screenshot:
Whaaaaaat--? An advertisement for Indiana Wesleyan University? Where did that come from?
So I looked back at the blog and there is was: an ad by the university on the blog.
I'm flabbergasted.
No, I did not share the link on Facebook, although I'll be sharing this post there.
Great article and I will continue to enjoy Vicki Davis' extremely helpful posts, but I find this little bit of trickery (this is what I call it) extremely ironic in an article about social media lies.
My take-away? It's important now more than ever that we teach our students very well to be discerning users of information.