How will we work, play, and communicate? Here's Corning's fantastical vision

I discovered and shared this fantastical video a year ago, and my friends were just as amazed as I was! It's Corning's vision for the future.

One year and 17 million+ hits later, I went back to look for the video to show to a student, and I was pleasantly surprised at what Corning came up with next (just a couple of weeks ago in fact, and already with almost a million hits).

Corning Hopes For Another Viral Hit With Sequel To Its 'A Day Made Of Glass' Video - Forbes details the story behind the two videos.(The first video was meant only for Corning investors' eyes.)

Portraying Corning's futuristic view with beautiful, translucent images, dream-like mood music and only a few words makes Corning's vision seem very dreamy and far-fetched, doesn't it?

Add the story behind the videos in "The Story Behind Corning's Vision" below, and suddenly the future seems within very close reach, and not fantastical at all.

I for one am excited about the possibilities!
