Takeaways from #tlchat #sschat combo convo "Student Collaboration, Research Skills and Tech Integration"

Yes, this was a very special collaboration indeed, between #TLChat and #SSChat (teacher-librarians and social studies teachers).

My main takeaway too-good-not-to-share from TLChat's Virtual Cafe's "Student Collaboration, Research Skills, and Tech Integration" was presenter Ron Peck's slideshare. Thanks, Ron!

Due to technical problems, I didn't get on until the Cafe was over half over. But these links mentioned are the ones that I'm definitely going to check out:
Celly @ school - "a platform of tools that enhances school communication" - Text reminders, study groups, field trips, SMS polling, clicker 
Nikki Robertson's Pinterest board: Social Studies Sites 
The Library of Congress Veterans History Project 
World War Two Global Connections Project
Melissa Seideman's Not Another History Teacher blog 
Thanks to The Daring Librarian Gwyneth Jones for her leadership in setting up this great collaboration!

[Check out the archives of the event here.]
