I thought the information might be useful to others as well.
(We are a GAFE school, and everyone has a school domain email address.)
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Dear Faculty,
The following directions are for those who are either:
(1) Not yet on Google+ OR
(2) On Google+ but do not have their Google+ settings configured to receive an email when an Google+ event invitation has been sent or when an event is starting.
The first Tech Staff Office Hours Hangout today was fun! Eight of us attended. We all learned a lot.
You're invited to participate in our second SH Tech Staff Office Hours hangout, which will continue training in ''GOOGLE+ and Hangouts". Included: how to participate in Communities (potentially, this could be classes that you set up), and the all-important configuration of your Google+ settings to reflect how active you want to be on Google+. (https://www.google.com/settings/plus)
Here's what you need to do to get started:
(At least a day) before the hangout:
1. Sign in to your school account (this is the account to which an event invitation will be sent).
2. Sign up or sign in to Google+ https://plus.google.com/
3. If you're signing up on Google+, you will be prompted to set up your profile and configure your settings. (https://www.google.com/settings/plus)
IMPORTANT, to make sure you receive ample notification of these weekly events, including an email when the event is about to start, please check the email notification boxes of your Hangouts and Events settings (as shown below).
4. If this is your first time hanging out, you will be prompted to download a plugin https://tools.google.com/dlpage/hangoutplugin. Grant the permissions requested.
When the hangout is about to begin:
1. You will receive email notification that it is starting (if you configured your settings as noted above).
2. Click on the link to join that's provided in the email.
3. You can also join right at the event invitation itself by clicking on the 'Hangouts' link just below the date and time).
3. You will receive this message: 'You are about to join a video call.'
4. You can check how you will appear on the screen.
5. Click on the blue button w/ the white letters 'Join', and you'll be in!
Some of us will be on campus during the hangout, so feel free to join us physically as well, if you'd like 'extra help'. :)
Overachiever? Check out Hangouts Help from Google Support https://support.google.com/hangouts/?hl=en
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Our Office Hours hangouts are proceeding very nicely!