School Libraries as Maker Spaces -- A Few Resources to √ Out

Having a discussion about school libraries as maker spaces?

This is by no means a comprehensive list of the resources available. It's simply a list of resources that caught my eye.

Please add your suggestions in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you!

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Check out this fantastic slideshare by Buffy Hamilton:

There are some great ideas here: A Librarian's Guide to Makerspaces from OEDB, March 20, 2013.

Look: American Libraries Manufacturing Makerspaces (public libraries), 

Scheduled for release October 30, 2013 is School Library Makerspaces, Grades 6-12 by Library Media Specialist Leslie B. Preddy. I'm looking forward to reading this book!

How about this nifty timelapse?

Thanks to school librarian colleague Anne Torige for sharing this resource-filled link with me:
30 STEM Networks and Maker Resources from GettingSmart, August 11, 2013.

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I'm sure there are more great resources about school libraries as makerspaces out there.

Please share your favorites in the comments!
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