13 Must-Haves in My Social Media Curation Tool Kit

I'm getting ready for the EdTech Mixed Plate Show tonight, pondering one of the questions that will be asked of me: 
"How do you curate what you find online so you will remember to use and to share with others?" 
Great time to do an inventory of the social media tools I use regularly to curate links and share ideas!

[You need to know that I manage everything in the Chrome Bookmark Manager.]

This is my SocMedia folder on my bookmark bar, with Twitter selected

Must-have for COLLECTING:

(1) Chrome Bookmarks Bar

(2) Google+ Circles posts, especially MVP circle

(3) Twitter lists, e.g., teacher-librarian list, and private MVP list 

(4) Feedly - news aggregator app

(5) Paper.li - create a newspaper (e.g. #GTANY Daily) and subscribe via email, e.g.,

Must-have for ORGANIZING:

Chrome Bookmarks Bar

(7) Archived tweets form and spreadsheet

Must-Have for SHARING:

Google+ Circles

(8) Hootsuite

(9) Screencast-o-Matic

(10) YouTube channel

(11) Blogger - maulibrarian2 in Olinda


(12) bit.ly

(13) Google Analytics

I'll be talking about how these social media tools fit into my curation work flow.

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Here's the show:

It was great sharing!

Thanks to the EdTech Mixed Plate group, +Rachel Armstrong+Michelle Carlson Colte+Megan Cummings, and +Michael Fricano II, for inviting me on the show!
