Our School's First Student International Google+ Hangout!

Sancia, Kyle, Kalan, Xinyun, and Sabrina

Five of our upper school students participated in a student-run international hangout on Thursday. It was an interesting experience!

The hangout was the brainchild of Burlington High School's Instructional Technology Specialist Jennifer Scheffer, who wrote about her plan in A Student Run International Hangout. (I love Jenn's Friday reflection about the hangout, with a great video that illustrates how she felt!)

The topic of the hangout was Today's Learners.

Our students held up their end of the conversation very well!

11:48 - 13:03 - Blogging, and the distraction of technology
15:40 - 18:09 - How our teachers and students communicate using technology, and Ms. Scheffer wants to visit Hawaii :)
32:08 - 33:16 - More about how our teachers and students connect, and the distraction of technology
37:00 - 38:30 - About our school's new schedule

Participant schools included: (host) Burlington High School in Massachusetts, Keene Central Schools in New York State, Fair Haven Union High School in Vermont, and a school in Sweden (name wasn't IDed).
Will there be more student hangouts in our future? We already have a couple of great ideas!
Stay tuned ... :)