Her article Reflecting on 2013 Through Social Media inspired me to reflect too.
It's kind of interesting to look back!
Google Plus automatically made this movie for me from my G+ photos. I love that there are so many of my students in it! (I'm the librarian, so I consider everyone my student :D) I'm sad that my beloved Shadow who I lost in April isn't in there, but instead a random (gorgeous) dog I happened to take a photo of is.
2013 Twitter video
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On another note, this little exercise below was fun for me to do! (Again, inspired by Jenny's article.)
Type in a letter of the alphabet in your Chrome OMNIBOX, and your recent searches will AUTOFILL (the results are virtually the same across devices -- I tested this).
My autofill gives a pretty accurate picture of what engages me. The ones in bold were, are, and will likely always be in my Omnibox autofill. :)
a - Amazon
b - Blogger
c - code.org
d - dltk-teach.org
e - easybib
f - freerice
g - Google
h - hi.gafesummit.com
i - ifttt.com
j - Junior library guild
k - kendama
l - libguides. seaburyhall.org
m - mauilibrarian2.com
n - northpole.com
o -
p - paper.li
q - QandA App FAQs
r - read write think
s - sotfconf.org
t - tweetchat
u - Uploads - YouTube
v - Vitamix
w - wechat
x - Xbox
y - YouTube
z - Zamzar
What about you? What did your year look like in social media, and what does your Omnibox autofill say about you?