My Year in Social Media and What My Omnibox Autofill Says About Me (What about you?)

Jennifer Magiera always has something interesting in her Teaching Like It's 2999 blog!

Her article Reflecting on 2013 Through Social Media inspired me to reflect too.

It's kind of interesting to look back!

Google Plus automatically made this movie for me from my G+ photos. I love that there are so many of my students in it! (I'm the librarian, so I consider everyone my student :D) I'm sad that my beloved Shadow who I lost in April isn't in there, but instead a random (gorgeous) dog I happened to take a photo of is.

2013 Twitter video

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On another note, this little exercise below was fun for me to do! (Again, inspired by Jenny's article.)

Type in a letter of the alphabet in your Chrome OMNIBOX, and your recent searches will AUTOFILL (the results are virtually the same across devices -- I tested this). 

My autofill gives a pretty accurate picture of what engages me. The ones in bold were, are, and will likely always be in my Omnibox autofill. :)
a - Amazon
b - Blogger
c -
d -
e - easybib
f - freerice
g - Google
h -
i -
j - Junior library guild
k - kendama
l - libguides.
m -
n -
o -
p -
q - QandA App FAQs
r - read write think
s -
t - tweetchat
u - Uploads - YouTube
v - Vitamix
w - wechat
x - Xbox
y - YouTube
z - Zamzar

What about you? What did your year look like in social media, and what does your Omnibox autofill say about you?
