So you've been invited to a Hangout on Air. Now what?
(How to Set Up Email & Phone Notifications)

So you've been invited to a Google Hangout on Air and you've already (1) created your Gmail account, (2) upgraded to Google Plus, and (2) installed your Hangout plug-in.

Now what?

Well, you want to make sure your Google Plus settings are configured so that you'll receive email and/or phone notifications of Hangout and Event developments.

Here's a notifications tutorial, presented below in four different ways. Feel free to learn from and share in whichever of the four ways you prefer. 

1. Google Slides

Here are the original instructions I created on Google Slides (share with attribution).

This is my favorite presentation method because I can change the original slides, and this embedded slide show automatically updates.

2. Animated gif 

I saved each of the Google slides above as jpegs and uploaded them to Free and easy and customizable.

Download gif, with attribution.
Control-click (Mac) / Right-click (pc) over image.

Animated gifs are great for rapid learners who need just a little help figuring things out, or as a quick visual refresher.

3. Slideshare

I saved the jpegs as a PDF document and uploaded it to Slideshare.

Slideshare has been called The Quiet Giant of Content Marketing by Forbes Magazine. It seems to be a rock-solid favorite for educators. I like it too.

4. Written instructions 

Go to Google Plus, and 

1. Click on settings (hover your cursor over the left side to view the pull-down menu bar).

2. Select "Who can send you notifications".

3. Customize "Who can hang out with you".

4. Check the box "Get Notified about Hangout Requests", and Save.

5. Scroll down in settings to Receive notifications by email or phone.

6. Check boxes for Hangouts and Events notifications as desired.Have fun hanging out!

Old-school, and very effective, in my opinion. :)

How do you learn best? Which of these presentation methods do you prefer? A combination, perhaps?

Have fun hanging out on air!
