Google Classroom: A Quick Look at the Student's View of an Assignment

Our English teacher Mrs. McLeod and I are learning together as she sets up her students' writing assignments using Google Classroom.

This is for Mrs. McLeod, and anyone else who needs a quick glimpse of what an assignment looks like on the student's end.

1. Student's View of the assignment.

2. When the student OPENs the assignment, he/she can ADD or CREATE a document.

3. Student can ADD a document from (1) Google Drive, (2) a link, or can (3) upload a file.

4. Student can CREATE a document, a presentation, a spreadsheet, or a drawing.

5. When a file is ADDed or CREATEd, the file appears in the student's drive, shared by the teacher.

Did I miss anything? Please let me know in the comments.
