Customize Your Chrome Omnibox to Search Your Google Bookmarks, Drive, Gmail, and More

Three of my all-time favorite Chrome extensions allow me to search my bookmarks, my Google drive, and my Gmail, right from my Omnibox (in Chrome). 

S-o-o-o-o much time saved!

Check them out:

Bookmark Search (Shortcut I created: bm)

Google Drive Quick Search (my shortcut: dr)

Gmail Search (my shortcut: gm)

I discovered this Gmail bonus: 

Enable Apps Search in Labs to search Docs and Sites in addition to emails. Boom!

[Go to Gmail Settings --  Labs]

Once you've installed these extensions, right-click (pc) / control-click (Mac) in the Omnibox to Edit Search Engines.

And this editing box will pop up.

You can now choose your own keyboard shortcut.

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You can also create your own search engines and shortcuts for often-used sites. See Google support's Manage your search engines.

Here's a visual how-to that you might find helpful:

Here are the codes for three other sites I search frequently. Feel free to copy and paste if they're your favorites too.

Chrome Web Store

Google Calendar Search

Google Scholar

Here's where the code goes:

I see only two drawbacks to staying in the Omnibox for searches. 

(1) I don't see the Google Doodle of the Day.

(2) As far as I can tell, the shortcuts don't work across my other open accounts, just with the account I used to sign in to Chrome.

Does anyone else customize their Omnibox? What did I miss?

Happy searching!
