Dear School Principals and other Administrators,
What makes a good #Edtech leader?
Administrators as #EdTech leaders will be the topic of our monthly #edchathi (Ed Chat Hawaii) Twitter chat, December 1, at 6:00 pm HST (11:00PM EST).
We hope principals and other administrators who are leading the technological shift in their schools and beyond will join us!
Special invitations go out to:
• The Connected Principals, with a shared Twitter profile: @conprin
• Members of the Connected Principals' Twitter admins list:
• +Eric Sheninger, who presented in Hawaii in July while on vacation, and who we discussed in a Google+ hangout for Hawaii educators.
We've already personally invited several other administrators, but we know there are more out there. Please let us know who you are!
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If you can't make the middle-of-the-Pacific dinner-time-for-us #edchathi chat, we would love to learn from you on your own time, preferably before the chat, but afterwards would be fine too.
Please use this Google form to contribute: