5 #GR8Finds #ThisWeek 04.10.15: Google Field Trips to Science Museums, LinkedIn to buy Lynda.com, 25 Google Search Shortcuts, Kids Summer Reading List 0-YA

[I blog every Friday about my #GR8Finds #ThisWeekMy list is very v-e-r-r-r-y selective
--my own crème de la crème curation. Generally, three to five 

April 10, 2015

Five solid keepers this week!

1. Google Field Trips to Science Museums!

h/t +Kyle Pace 

2. LinkedIn to buy Lynda.com. Interesting!

3. 25 Google Search Shortcuts You Need to Know h/t @kleinerin

Great list! I consider myself advanced, and I didn't know a couple of these.

4. Summer Reading List for Kids 0 to YA, from Scholastic

FB Parents: Nifty SUMMER READING guide for kids 0 - Young Adult from Scholastic http://www.scholastic.com/readingcampaign/downloads/src-book-list-all-ages.pdf?linkId=13399449
Posted by Linda J. Lindsay on Friday, April 10, 2015

Summer's just around the corner.

5. The power of Google Maps and Social Media #WeAreMaunaKea

How powerful is this? #WeAreMaunaKea "This is a growing map of locations across the world where groups of people and...
Posted by Linda J. Lindsay on Friday, April 10, 2015

Using technology for good. ...

Ahh, yes, the weekend. ...  Hope yours is relaxing and refreshing.
