Ta-dahhh! -- it's a combination Twitter and Google hangout chat!
The topic? Project-based learning.
Here are the questions to ponder:
Q1: What is PBL?
Q2: Why go PBL?
Q3: How do you roll out PBL to your teachers?
Q4: What barriers do you anticipate?
Q5: How will you measure the success of your PBL program?
Q6: What are some PBL resources, PBL practitioners to follow?
Resources to check out before the chat?
How School Leaders Set the Stage for PBL Success by Suzie Boss
PBL Planning via Edutopia (½ way down page are PBL videos)
You can view the hangout, and ask questions live, here.

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P. S. Wow! I can't believe I haven't posted here in over a month! Yes, getting ready for the start of school did take up a lot of my time. Happy to report that we're up and running and settling in nicely. Hope to be blogging more regularly now. I have lots to share, as usual.