I was dying to try out this interesting new feature! I didn't have to wait long for a tweet to come along that I found worthy of embed status for myself.
A Mindful, Social Media #MUSTFOLLOW: @mauilibrarian2. Tweets with links to proven information tools, mostly free & always light hearted!
— Allan Lokos (@AllanLokos) December 27, 2011
I have another similar tweet from @justinstoned (thank you, Justin) but adding that one to this post would be too vain of me, I think :)
I replied to Allan:
Dear @AllanLokos What a lovely tweet, Allan! You just made my day, and I think I'll embed this tweet in my blog for posterity. #thanks
— Linda Lindsay (@mauilibrarian2) December 27, 2011
The article mentioned below (which I had to embed in a tweet, of course) gives several reasons why you might want to embed a tweet. And it takes you step-by-step visually through the embedding procedure.
Gr8 WHYs & HOW-TO for everyone (not only musicians): «Embed a Tweet on Your Blog or Website» bit.ly/vujKUX #edtech #smchat #Twitter
— Linda Lindsay (@mauilibrarian2) December 27, 2011
If all you need is a hurry-up how-to, these instructions are for you:
When you find the tweet you want to embed,
1) Click on Open (to the right)Voilà! That's all there is to it. Now you have a tweet to use for promotional purposes, to add visual interest, or in my case here, to keep as a memento.
2) Click on Details (after the date, doesn't appear to be a link until you hover over it)
3) Click on Embed this Tweet (after the date, also doesn't appear to be a link)
4) Copy HTML code and paste into your blog/website.
P. S. Caveat for Blogger users: when I switched to 'Compose' as I was editing, the embedding format disappeared. Not sure if this is a temporary glitch, but I recommend staying in 'Edit HTML' mode to be safe.