How to Create a Searchable, Publishable, Permanent COMPLETE Archive of Your Tweets using TwimeMachine & Evernote

(Student) "You tweeted about it, don't you remember?"

(Me) "Uh, no ..."

This happens to me often! I use Twitter every day to find resources for our teachers and students, and I have trouble remembering my older tweets and even more trouble tracking them down.

I'm still looking for an all-in-one *Magical App* that will automatically archive all of my tweets, not just my favorites. The archive has to be searchable, publishable, and permanent.

Until someone programs that magical app, I've devised a satisfactory solution for myself, courtesy of TwimeMachine and Evernote. Maybe others will find my solution useful.

First, a few descriptive detaile about TwimeMachine:
•You must sign in to your Twitter account to use TwimeMachine.
•TwimeMachine automatically archives users' tweets, but it doesn't archive hashtags or keywords.
•You can access other users' tweets too.
•The TwimeMachine listing contains a direct link back to the original tweet. (a great feature!)
•TwimeMachine archives only up to 3200 tweets. The oldest ones disappear.
•You can browse page-by-page, but you can't search the entire archive.
Bottom line: TwimeMachine is great for archiving and linking to all of your original tweets.

Enter Evernote to the rescue to add searchability, publishability, and permanence.

You can transfer your TwimeMachine tweets to a single Evernote note, making it completely searchable (using Command-F or Control-F). You can decide on the frequency of transfers, depending on your personal requirements. It takes only a few seconds to copy and paste.

And since Evernote notes can be published using a URL, you can publish your entire Tweet history on the web via your website, blog, newsletter, etc.

Here's a 3-minute how-to tutorial I created to explain the transfer procedure:

Do you know of a better, easier way to create a searchable, publishable, permanent complete archive of your tweets? If so, I'd love to hear about it.


P. S. Are there any *Magical App* programmers out there?