Why Tweetchat and Google Drive?
- It's so easy to set up!
- You can store all of your chat archives in one spot, Google Drive.
2. Go to TweetChat just before the chat begins.
4. Leave the chat window open for the length of the chat. You can participate in the chat as usual.
5. When the chat is over, print the chat archive as a PDF, and name the chat as you wish. I recommend adding a date to your title.
6. Upload the PDF to your Google Drive. Do not convert the PDF to a Google Doc.
7. Share the Google Doc link. Make it either public or unlisted.
5. When the chat is over, print the chat archive as a PDF, and name the chat as you wish. I recommend adding a date to your title.
6. Upload the PDF to your Google Drive. Do not convert the PDF to a Google Doc.
7. Share the Google Doc link. Make it either public or unlisted.
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Check out the incredibly useful Google Calendar below. It was created by Sarah Kaiser, based on Jerry Blumengarten's Educational Chats page. Thank you, Sarah and Jerry!
Here's Sarah's post about the calendar: Google Calendar of Twitter Chats and Jerry's Educational Chats on Twitter page.
Jerry, aka the Cybrary Man, is a Rock Star in my PLN. I could go on and on about him. Jerry is part of the #edchat team and I've hung out with him on Google+ Hangouts. The man is the quintessential educator.
Want to add the Twitter Chats for Education calendar to your Google Calendar? Go here.
Good luck finding and archiving your favorite tweet chat, and nurturing your PLN!
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P. S. What are my favorite chats? These are the chats I love and follow: #tlchat for teacher-librarians, #edchat, and #titletalk.
What are your favorite educational chats?
P. S. What are my favorite chats? These are the chats I love and follow: #tlchat for teacher-librarians, #edchat, and #titletalk.
What are your favorite educational chats?