- Who developed the extension?
- Why for school? (color-coded)
- Ratings as of March 19, 2015
- Similar 4★+ extensions to try (in progress, please recommend)
Click here to get to the spreadsheet.
1. I would ❤ for the Chrome Web Store people to consider adding the date the extension was uploaded. This would help extension shoppers interpret the numbers much better, I think.
2. This was the first time I presented without a slide presentation (scary). Instead, I used OneTab. The link bit.ly/extensionshare leads to the share. OneTab is an extension, of course ☺.
3. I was pleasantly surprised to see other Summit presenters using the bit.ly URL shortener. It's definitely my favorite. There's a Chrome extension for it, naturally.
4. I was thrilled to hear two mentions of Chrome extensions on my list of 33, at the Summit. (I'm sure there were others)
Last Pass was Matt North's contribution to the Demo Slam
Last Pass - 1 of the #chrome #extensions I'll be talking about tmrw in my session :) #SLAM @edtechteam Hawaii #gafesummit
— Linda Lindsay (@mauilibrarian2) March 21, 2015
And (#SuperEduStar) +Jennie Magiera mentioned KeyRocket in her "Find Extra Hours in Your Week" session.
KeyRocket mentioned by @msmagiera http://t.co/IsR4jKNkb5 #assistive 1 of the 33 I'll be mentioning this pm. #Chrome #extensions #gafesummit
— Linda Lindsay (@mauilibrarian2) March 21, 2015
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I'll be writing at least two more articles about the Summit itself (awesome, as usual!). One will be my impressions, and the other will be about new tools, just as I did last year [ impressions 2014 | tools 2014 ] . Stay tuned!