The #FunFactor \(^^)/ at the Third Hawaii Google Summit!

There's no doubt about it. Laughter makes everything Brighter and Better! And there was plenty of laughter at the 2015 Google for Education Hawaii Summit sponsored by the +EdTechTeam.

I cherish these four #FunFactor moments in particular:

1.  +Jennie Magiera's keynote was The. Best. Ever! #takearisk

I said it: 

But @aims11 said it better, with a fist bump and a clip:

Jennie literally got us all out of our seats to dance to "Uptown Funk". Here's  +Michael Fricano II's 30-second clip of it.

We laughed!

 2. +Ally Wlazlo of WeVideo was a HOOT! She easily won the Google Slam!

h/t +Pete Hansen 

I was happy Ally agreed to a photo with me!

3. +James Sanders offered in his keynote the dung ball as a metaphor for failure. ... 'Nuff said. 
IC: +EdTechTeam 

4. A spontaneous librarian convention happened at my session, the last time slot of the conference! 

A photo posted by Linda Lindsay (@mauilibrarian2) on

... Complete with precious Maui rose lei from +Elizabeth Kaneshiro#365grateful

So much fun!

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What did I learn at the GAFE summit? Blog post coming soon! ...
