Today's #KSuncon group via @elliemellie. Mahalo for an amazing day! #KSEdTech
— KS EdTech (@ksedtech) June 9, 2015
I learned A LOT at the 2015 Kamehameha EdTech Conference and the #KSUncon! Reconnected with a lot of cool Hawaii educators, and met a few new cool ones. It was awesome!
Here are 5 #GR8Finds to report:
1. Free Online Learning at GCFLearnFree from GoodWill. A plethora of tutorials that are easy to follow. H/T +Tomoko Yokooji.
2. Wonderopolis. H/T Rachelle Galang. Learning can be fun!
Check out @Wonderopolis for #geniushour @mauilibrarian2 #ksuncon #colchat
— Rachelle Galang (@MissGalang) June 9, 2015
3. I already blogged about science teacher Stephen Ritz's keynote → Over-the-Top KeyNote by an Over-the-Top Teacher. So inspiring!
Check out this Green Bronx Machine teaser.
4. We LAUGHED throughout Destin Sandlin's keynote,
— Linda Lindsay (@mauilibrarian2) June 10, 2015
with Destin's serious charge to "See the World Differently".
I subscribed to his +SmarterEveryDay YouTube Channel that's putting his kids through college -- a great success story!
Here's the Backwards Bicycle Video that went viral.
was definitely not as good as
Celeste's Scribblebot ☺
See instructions to make your own Scribble Machine from Instructables here.