3 #GR8Finds at the Hawaii Google for Education Summit

"How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse with Google" huddle
Better late than never right?

I wrote two posts about the March 2015 Hawaii GAFE Summit: How about those Chrome Extensions! and The #FunFactor \(^▽^)/ at the Third Hawaii Google Summit!

And I promised a "What Did I Learn" article. It's #summertime #andthelivingiseasy. I'm finally getting around to it, and I'm making this post part of my #GR8Finds #ThisWeek. [ #twobirds ]

1. I got a lot out of Michael Morrison's presentation An Invitation to Inspiring Learning Spaces 4c's Learning Environments. I love that Michael added my answer to the question: "What Plant Should I Buy?" to his presentation. (Slide 49).

2. James Sanders' "How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse with Google" session demonstrated beautifully how to use theme-based activities to introduce Google Apps to students (and teachers). 

James presented the complete session on Google's Education on Air on May 9:

Check out the Zombie Apocalypse project on James' Classroom in the Future website, complete with an escape plan template and top escape plans. You can submit one!

Hawaii educators +Mia Beatty+Yvette Santos and +Nikki Kay submitted an escape plan that made the website. So very cool!

3. Along the same line of theme-based activities, the Iron Chef Google Challenge, patterned after the original at ISTE in 2013, was a rousing success!

Four teams created projects based on the ingredients they were given. I voted for Team Equinox, with a little bit of encouragement from +Sean Connors both online, 

and off☺. (Yes, Team Equinox won.)

Here are all of the presentations:

and a very informative website here

Congratulations to +Michael Fricano II and +Megan Cummings, who did a fantastic job putting the Hawaii Iron Chef Google Challenge together!

I absolutely love the idea of problem-solving, theme-based activities, with that added fun factor of friendly competition and bragging rights! Anyone out there know of any other projects similar to Zombie and Iron Chef?

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All in all, the Google for Education Hawaii Summit put on by the +EdTechTeam is very worth your while, whether you consider yourself a total newbie or a super guru, or anywhere in between. Hope to see you there next year!
